Authors, Standing and Berne
The blogosphere has been abuzz with discussion of the antics of Righthaven, a company that contracted with a Las Vegas newspaper to sue bloggers and others over allegedly infringed copyrights and split the payments 50-50. The most recent turn of events involves the unsealing of Righthaven’s contract with Stephens Media, the parent company of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, describing the above agreement. Stephens has not actually assigned the copyrights, they have merely assigned accrued causes of action. Under Silvers v. Sony Pictures Entertainment, Inc. , 402 F. 3d 881 (9th Cir. 2005) , this is clearly impermissible. Thus, much-anticipated fair use considerations in the case may never be reached since it will (likely) get booted first. After reading Silvers, a few things struck me. Nancy Silvers wrote a script as a work-for-hire for Frank & Bob Films. Later, when Sony allegedly infringed the copyright, the company executed an “Assignment of Claims and Causes of Action”