
Showing posts from August, 2012

UDRP Refresher:

This recent decision from the National Arbitration Forum (NAF) 1 seemed like a good opportunity for a refresher on the UDRP. 2   Former lobbyist and ex-convict Jack Abramoff lost in his attempt to recover from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC).  The domain redirects to a page on the DCCC site asking visitors to sign a petition reminding "Abramoff that [they] remember his role in the Republican Culture of Corruption and will work to defeat ethically-challenged Republicans in 2012."  Also that he shouldn't attempt "to re-write history with a new book and media tour." The decision came down to Abramoff's inability to establish trademark rights in his name as required by the first of three prongs in section 4(a) of the policy. 3   In summary, Complainant has provided no evidence of actual use of JACK ABRAMOFF as a trademark in connection with particular goods or services prior to the time Respondent registered t